Antonio Boza
Data Scientist
Welcome to my Portfolio
(Last update June 2022)
Project 1: Data anomalies detection in Tax Payers
Project Objective: To carry out an in-depth analysis of the data of regular tax payers in the Maracaibo city, during the first quarter of 2020 (January - March). To do this, we made use of descriptive statistical and predictive analysis techniques with the support of machine learning.
Project 2: Loan Risk Prediction for a web-based loan platform
Project Objective: To develop a machine learning model for the online prediction of financial risk and the determination of credits approval to persons and companies. The UI was built with Flask and Python and the Web Deployment using Heroku service.
Project 3: Customer segmentation analysis
Project Objective: To carry out a survey analysis applying clustering technique to extract insights about the market tendency and to find potential target customers for an administrative and invoicing cloud-based software.
Project 4: Survey Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
Project Objective: To carry out an Exploratory Data Analysis of a survey using Python and to extract insights to understand the actual market share between the main companies in the area.
Project 5: Dogs breed prediction using Deep learning
Project Objective: Building up a deep learning model to predict dogs breed using TensorFlow Hub and MobileNet v2 (transfer learning). The input is a dog picture, the output is the dog breed.
Project 6: Scrum Team Performance Dashboard
Project Objective: Building up a Dashboard in Tableau to keep Scrum metric-tracking in a software development team.
Project 7: SaaS product Price Optimization
Project Objective: To carry out a price analysis and optimization for a SaaS product. The expected outcome is the optimum price which serves as a base to define the subscription plans pricing strategy.
Project 8: Stroke Risk Prediction using Data from World Health Organization
Project Objective: Develop a machine learning model to predict a patient’s risk of stroke based on their risk variables. This will allow World Health Organization to educate patients about risk factors, as well as recommend preventive measures for patients at risk of stroke that will allow them to improve their condition and lead a healthy life.
Project 9: Development of a machine learning model to find similarity between News (Natural Language Processing)
Project Objective: Development of a machine learning model to calculate similarity between texts to recommend similar news that have been published. The machine learning technique of Natural Language Processing was used.